Top 5 healthy fish

1 Salmon: Salmon is one of the best fish you can eat. It is a rich wellspring of omega-3 unsaturated fats, which are known to diminish irritation, lower circulatory strain, and decline the gamble of coronary illness. Salmon is additionally high in protein, vitamin D, and B nutrients.

2 Sardines: Sardines are a little, sleek fish that are loaded with supplements. They are an extraordinary wellspring of omega-3 unsaturated fats, protein, vitamin D, and calcium. Sardines are likewise low in mercury, pursuing them a protected and solid decision.

3 Trout: Trout is another fish that is high in omega-3 unsaturated fats. It is likewise a decent wellspring of protein, vitamin B12, and niacin. Trout is a low-calorie fish that is not difficult to get ready and can be barbecued, heated, or cooked.

4 Fish: Fish is a famous fish that is high in protein and omega-3 unsaturated fats. It is likewise a decent wellspring of vitamin D and selenium. Fish can be eaten crude as sushi or cooked in various dishes.

5 Cod: Cod is a gentle tasting fish that is low in fat and high in protein. It is likewise a decent wellspring of vitamin B12 and vitamin D. Cod can be barbecued, prepared, or cooked and is a flexible fish that can be utilized in various recipes.
